Liver and Onions, Onions, Onions
t would be nice if this were an ancient family recipe, but my family cooked liver like well-done steak., and it was tough for me to choke down with the best ketchup. It wasn't until I was in my twenties in Austria that I learned the secrets of liver and onions from ancient hausfraus. Ingredients: Liver, onions, flour, salt, and oil. Bacon optional.
1. Three times more onions than liver, and liver should be 1/4 lb per per person.
2. Cut the liver into thin strips about as thin as bacon--it is permissible to add bacon.
3. Salt and season the liver, and then coat in flour.
4. Pan fry in oil medium heat. While cooking, slice the onions like the liver.
5. When done on one side, flip the meat and add the onions.
6. Keep cooking and turning until the onions are soft.
7. If the meat starts to dry, add a little water. This will form a gravy from the flour-coating.
Serve, with the Austrian expression, "Mahlzeit!"